Sunday, April 15, 2012

So I haven't had time to post anything being so busy with work and school and all. However, a lot new things have been going on! I finally got my leatherettes and love them because they make me almost six feel tall, even though I could have broken my ankle walking i the grass with them. Anyways, I picked up that button up shirt at my local Goodwill, but the original brand is by H&m. I got my lovely knock-off litas from Go, and the bag from a friend. (:

Anyways, lots of new ideas have been stirring in my head. I'm definitely going to start up a clothing brand or store or whatever, maybe with my boyfriend after he moves into his new apartment. I got my new phone from the insurance company and Instagram is now available for android, so be sure to follow me @mmtiff. Tata for now !